Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Letting Life "BE"

Life is a challenge, isn't it!  Splendid, wonderful, and a challenge.  If it weren't what on EARTH would we learn?  That's it, too!  What would we learn?  If everything were just handed to us, we'd never be challenged, hence we would never work hard for anything.  We'd be expecting life to continue to just hand us things that we need or want whenever the demand arose, yet we would be the poorer for it, IF life actually worked that way. 

"Socialism" and "Communism" are like that.  They're systems of government and property ownership that tempt us precisely because they offer what they actually cannot provide anyone: "free" stuff.  EVERYTHING requires work; if not yours then someone else's.  So whenever you think you're going to get "free" stuff, think of it ONLY as a loss leader, because eventually someone MUST plant the seed that will grow more "stuff".  However, if everyone is convinced that the "stuff" is "FREE" then nobody will be motivated to "grow the stuff", or "produce", hence the core reason why "SOCIALISM" or "COMMUNISM" has always ... and by ALWAYS... I actually do mean "ALWAYS" ... FAILED!  It cannot succeed because the seeds of its demise exist at its very core.  Think on this, and eventually, you'll understand it. 

If the farmer plants his seeds and only others are ever allowed to harvest the crop (yet even the harvesters expect someone ELSE to actually DO the work of the harvest), then the farmer is never motivated to plant because he no longer has expectation of the benefits of a crop.  Eventually, everyone starves equally...THAT is the ultimate reward of "Socialism/Communism". 

So the next time you're offered something for "FREE", be sure to ALWAYS ask "...what is the REAL cost to me?"  Blessings my friend!

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