Monday, October 12, 2015


We all have transitions throughout life...many, many of them, and some are harder than others.  We're born, and that is a most harrowing transition, yet we manage, overcome, and prosper.  Next we grow, and each growth spurt can be painful.  Teeth growing in, legs and arms growing longer and stronger, muscle and bone stretching, forcing faster growth, and all of it hurts in its own way.  Then there is the inner, emotional growth, and the intellectual growth, and growing self awareness, and none of it is easy.  Awesome it is, and wonderful!  Then we must face another transition most feared; death.  The first touch of it in our lives draws its own unique mark upon our souls, forcing contemplation of our own finality in this life, this form.  My first encounter was the passing of President Kennedy, because it marked our entire family, our nation, and our nations soul.  I was 6 years old, and it hurt even then.  In my life my next experience was the passing of our dear little budgie named Blue. Just a little happy bird, but a dear little family member who lived a very long bird life in our home.  Most striking was the passing of one of my school mates who was hit by a car.  I imagined it over and over again and how horrible it must have been for his family. 

Eventually, you must confront the passing of a family member, and that is when the pain exceeds all else. It shreds your world, and what you once thought so permanent a relationship is stricken from this plane of existence, and you confront the transition in a new light.  This time it becomes much more personal, lonely, and shattering.  You know you must confront it, but to do so feels as if you'll lose yourself in a sea of sorrow.  One day though, you bear it, face it, embrace it, and let if flow through you, for your heart of hearts tells you that you must, and it will only fan the flame of love in your soul for the one you've lost.  Grief waters the loving kindness in your heart, and a new passion will arise from the ashes of the life lost, yet never truly lost.  The heart lives on, the spirit, the essence, nothing is lost.  They are eternal, as are you! 

The greatest blessing in the passing of a grandparent, parent, or child, is that you live their lives over again each day in your heart, hearing again their voices in song, prayer, gleeful laughter, and joyous whispers of their divine spark that made them so very special.  This strange and wonderful contradiction will dawn on you one day if it hasn't already, and will overtake you, reframing your perspective, enlightening your spirit, bringing yet unheralded wisdom in its wake; wisdom that will quiet your fears, teaching you grace through what can be your most difficult transition.

So when next you encounter this most challenging transition, remember this; we are eternal beings captured for a moment in time in a fragile yet exquisite temporal body.  We are souls made more perfect by each trial, tribulation, song and dance we joyously engage ourselves in, so we must live life in all its manifestations, learning anew the eternal Song of Songs.  Blessings to you my friend, in all your struggles and celebrations!  Remember to always love, because it is the one most important task that we each have in this life.

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