Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Child's Mind

In my life I learned of the concept of having The Child's Mind from my studies in world religions and martial arts.  I'm certain many disciplines share the concept, but in different expressions of it. In short it is to view life as would a child, accepting all life brings with a simple elegant honesty and joy.  Child's Mind means to have an open heart, mind, and spirit to accept whatever life delivers to you to experience in its fullness. Embracing love, joy, pain, challenges and successes with the same grace and curiosity of a child.  Learning from each experience and savoring each for the richness it brings to your life is the essence of Child's Mind.  So this day it is my fervent prayer and hope for you, my friend, to discover what it is to live in The Child's Mind.  I have found it to be the greatest gift I've discovered on how to view each day.  Sometimes I stumble, I forget to view everything with the eyes of a child.  When I do forget, I am reminded to think on it again from the simpler view of the Child's Mind, and I rediscover roses blooming in obscure corners of hidden gardens, humming birds flitting through the air with matchless grace and beauty, and the subtle singing of song birds on quiet air telling me to remember that I, too, am a Child of God, as are all of God's creatures.  It fills my heart with joy unbounded, and lightens my often heavy heart to be reminded of the beauty of creation, and the love of our Creator for each of us.  Blessings my friend!  Enjoy Life and all of its lessons!

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